June 8, 2009

Bishop Makarios Memorial Sculpture Unveiled and Dedicated

MAY 16, 2009
"Untitled" by Mark Chatterley
Alma College Campus, Michigan

Created by Michigan artist Mark Chatterley, the amazing and beautiful sculpture depicts a figure with winged arms raised. It looks at once traditional and futuristic. Palms are in prayer and the wings are actually made up of figures that get progressively smaller. The statue is one of only two statues in the Midwest dedicated to leaders from India – the other is to Mohandas Gandhi in Milwaukee.

The sculpture has been installed in a public area in the middle of the Alma College campus, with ample lighting for evening visiting. Benches have been placed facing the sculpture to sit and meditate. The sculpture installation was not the only legacy of Bishop Makarios established; perhaps the most visible. The Bishop Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios Scholarship Fund has been established to honor his teaching at Alma College. For more information, please call the Advancement Office 1-800-291-1312

Photos in sculpture collage by Teresa Paprock and John Brian Paprock

Entries about the dedication ceremony and the texts of remarks from distinguished representatives can be view on this blog, click on the links below:

Bishop Makarios Memorial Dedication Program - photos of program

Saundra Tracy, Alma College President complete text of opening remarks at the dedication including complete text of Dr. Ross Mackenzie of Union Theological Seminary whose remarks that were read aloud

Orthodox Memorial Service - photos collage of the prayer service

Dr. Madhavan Anirudhan is the founder President of FOKANA
complete text of remarks read aloud at the dedication

Dr. Ronald L. Massanari, Professor Emeritus, Department of Religious Studies at Alma College - complete text of his remarks at the dedication

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